
La Tourangelle
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6 Best Oils for the Keto Diet

When it comes to adapting to a diet based predominantly on fats, it is important to understand that not all fats are created equal. To reap the weight los and overall body health benefits of the keto diet, it is recommended that you eat the right kinds of fats — not synthetic trans fats from processed foods, but a moderate amount of saturated fats and a primary intake of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. While meats, fish, nuts, natural dairy, and eggs are excellent sources of the kind of fats you need to incorporate, one of the best ways to supplement your daily...

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Tou Moua
La Tourangelle avocado oil next to fresh avocado and a facial roller.

18 Usos para el Aceite de Aguacate Fuera de la Cocina

The humble avocado might not look like much on the outside, but it is what inside that counts. Avocados, and by extension, avocado oil, are full of monounsaturated fats, a type of fat that is considered to be heart healthy. Avocados and avocado oil are also excellent sources of antioxidants such as vitamin E, which can help keep your skin looking youthful for longer and can help to minimize damage caused by free radicals. Another benefit of avocado oil is that it is not just for cooking. While you can find many uses for the oil in the kitchen, there...

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La Tourangelle
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Why Should I Not Pour Used Cooking Oil Down the Drain?

When you are stir-frying, searing, sauteing or grilling your meal each night and using delicious artisan oils to complement your flavors, accentuate your textures and cook your ingredients, proper cooking cleanup is most likely the last thing on your mind. After your dish is done and you portion your culinary creation onto plates for yourself, your family or your guests, your first instinct might be to place your pot or pan in the sink — used oil and all — and pour the extra oil runoff down the drain when it is time to clean. You may have heard that disposing of...

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La Tourangelle
5 Paleo-Friendly Cooking Oils and Fats

5 Paleo-Friendly Cooking Oils and Fats

When it comes to cooking oils that are Paleo-friendly, the best products to use are unrefined oils and fats with primarily saturated and unsaturated fatty acid contents. According to Harvard Medical School, these types of fats help you absorb vitamins, encourage healthy cholesterol levels and support a variety of crucial body functions like providing energy and building cell membranes. It is also important to choose oils and fats with a high enough smoke point to withstand the kind of heat you need for your specific type of cooking without burning and losing their nutritional benefits. Here are five of the best oils for the...

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