Vinagreta Balsámica Clásica Orgánica
4 reviews

< p>El vinagre balsámico dulce, las especias fragantes y un generoso toque de nuestro Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Orgánico se unen para crear esta Vinagreta Balsámica Clásica suave y cremosa. Añadir este aderezo a ensaladas, sándwiches y verduras para una sorpresa elegante a su comida! Balsamic Steak and Tomatoes< / a > < / li>
Strawberry Caprese Panzanella Salad< / a> Mason Jar Salad< / li >
Summer Berry Salad< / li >
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Ideas de recetas:< / strong>
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SB I love that you can really taste the quality of the ingredients - especially the olive oil. And the creamy consistency makes it cling to your salad with just a light tossing. My favorite salad dressing!
Teresa Matt In a classic French vinaigrette, there is an emulsifier such as dijon, etc. So many vinaigrettes in the markets are just oil and vinegar and flavors. La Tourangelle is worth it!
Kathleen Burgess A classic taste, organic ingredients, none of the common allergens.
Elisa I was curious why the color was dark brown as opposed to the light tan from my other purchase?