Recipes — Omnivore
Hart Farrell Hedberg
Toasted Sesame oil - Shrimp/flank steak Marinade
Shrimp and flank steak is perfect combo for the BBQ. Kick up the flavors with a simple Asian style marinade starring La Tourangelle sesame oil.
Christine None
Thanksgiving Feast - Full Menu
Check out this full Thanksgiving menu that your entire family will enjoy. This easy and tasty feast will cover everything from dinner to dessert.
Christine None
Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil - Ginger Carrot Soup
Delicious healthy carrot soup with a nutty finish thanks to the La Tourangelle Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil.It is so easy that you’ll be able to make it again without needing to look at the recipe.
Charley Lavin
Suncoco Blondies
Why make blondies with butter, when you could make them with sun coco oil, a blend of sunflower oil and refined coconut oil. Studded with plenty of shredded coconut, sunflower seeds, and bittersweet chocolate, they stay soft and chewy for days.
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